Friday, November 30, 2012


Giving thanks with Dave's family is a multi-day affair. Thanksgiving Day happens at his aunt and uncle's brownstone in NYC. His parents, more aunts and uncles, and a bunch of cousins fly in from various places like California, Arizona, Georgia, and Kentucky. The wine flows, the hors'douevres cover the tabletops, and the music is loud.

I used to dread Thanksgiving because I never liked any of the food! No cranberry sauce, stuffing, turkey, or candied yams for me! I stuck to mashed potatoes and corn as much as possible. But at these gatherings, there is such a variety of food that I always have plenty to eat! (Plus, I bring a vegetarian stuffing full of spicy and sweet cornbread and other goodies I like). I also viewed it from the lens of mourning - the indigneous peoples day of mourning and all. But, I think moving forward with an attitude of gratitude is more constructive at this point. I have so much in my life to be thankful for. I'm going to own that, every day, and celebrate it especially on this day among friends and family.