Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!
2010 was a big year, especially since I resolved to join AmeriCorps. It was a process that began in January with the application, interviews that took place over the spring, and acceptance in July. In the meantime, I worked a full time job, a part time job, and took a college course. In September, I made the big changes - moved in with Lover, and switched to my AmeriCorps - Public Allies position. I'm loving it. 

Highlights of the year include:
1.) Skydiving for my birthday.
2.) Two trips to Cape Cod!!!
3.) A trip to Colorado and to San Francisco, CA!
4.) The SPARKS trip to Maryland and Pennsylvania!
5.) Moving!
6.) Starting the process for next year's garden!
7.) Time spent with family and friends!

I used to not make resolutions for the New Year. I thought it was silly. However, I've come to see how I can utilize the timing (the new calendar year) and share in the momentum of countless others creating goals and taking steps to achieve them. Last year, I made goals in December that I realized might as well be called my New Year's Resolutions because it was close enough and would take me through the year to achieve. Thus, I joined the Resolution bandwagon.

I think 2011 will be about getting fit. I signed up for the Warrior Dash, and I am making smaller fitness goals along the way, including a St. Patty's Day 5k. Since I've started a food diary with the My Fitness Pal app on my iPhone and have been adding more activity into my life, I've been losing weight and gaining more energy. I am building a life, and I want to be healthy while living it. 

I know fitness is a common resolution. I know the majority of resolutions get chucked out the window. I proved to myself last year that giving up need not be the case if I have true resolve - try, try again, and when I fall, get back up and keep trying. Rest when needed. Etc.

I am looking forward to this, with the same kind of excitement as when I first entered into vegetarianism. That was eight years ago, and still going (though I will admit that I have eaten fish every couple of years...but you get back up and try again...). It'll be nice to look back in a few years and see what adventures I encountered as a result, just as vegetarianism lead me into a banquet of food choices and ethnic cuisines, and also connected me with new folks who shared similar values. 

So, that's my resolution. I'd love to hear yours!

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