Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

It's the holiday of gratitude and abundance, for most.

My own hope every time this holiday comes around, is that I can maintain at attitude of gratitude throughout the whole year. Sometimes I forget about the little blessings, and sometimes I am acutely aware of just how fortunate I really am.

So, I am challenging myself to think of 30 things within the next 15 minutes. My list of what I am grateful for, and not in order of importance:

1. My brain. It sometimes is not functioning at the level I would like it to be, but it has allowed me to be adaptable, to learn, and to progress as a human being.
2. My mother and my sister. I would not be here without them.
3. My love. He is loving, supportive, understanding, accepting, funny, intelligent, empowering, and a number of other adjectives that make him wonderful and inspire me to be a better me.
4. Malai. She is the bee's knees. Even though she's a dog, and not a bee.
5. My friends. Especially the besties.
6. My ridiculous amount of pets aside from Malai. They provide much amusement, and an opportunity to care. That's Phoenix (FiFi) the snake, Crabulon the Mighty and The Kraken the crabs, and the six goldfish: Queen Marigold, Frosty, Fin, Pebble, Midas, and Silverbutt. And I suppose I shouldn't forget the one thousand worms who are composting my kitchen scraps in the basement, all known as Veronica Jrs. 
7. My health. I am living, breathing, walking, and I am also grateful for the urge and the resolve I have to maintain at least a good level of health.
8.. My houseplants. I get a sense of well-being whenever I am caring for them, and I am grateful for that.
9. I said my friends already, but I also want to specifically give a shout out to the Forest Folk. I love you, guys.
10. Public Allies. The people.
11. Public Allies. The program. 
12. This blog and my journal. Both help to keep me sane.
13. Art supplies. They provide promise.
14. The creative urge that I have to satisfy. It keeps me going.
15. Shelter. I have a home and a bed to sleep in, plus awesome people and pets living with me. 
16. Nature.  Nothing makes me feel better than taking a walk along wooded paths, or taking in a view of a rainbow over the Rocky Mountains, or just looking at the Rocky Mountains themselves, or taking a plunge into clean, ocean water, or observing Nature's creatures big and small. Nature is awesome.
17. Access to the internet.
18. Books. Books are awesome.
19. Eyesight. I am thankful for being able to see.
20. Legs. I am thankful for strong, healthy legs that can carry me far.
21. My dancing pole. I love my dancing pole, and the opportunity it gives me to feel strong and sexy.
22. Music. I am so very thankful for music.
23. Oxygen. Go planet Earth!
24. Bills. Yes, I am thankful for bills. They indicate that I am able to afford things that other people in the world might not be able to afford, or even have access to.
25. My right to vote and my right to civic engagement. Some people don't have that.
26. Time. I am thankful for the time that I do have.
27. I am thankful for language, and I mean language in all its forms. It provides connection to others.
28. I am thankful for crayons. 'Nuff said.
29. Yoga. Both the asanas (physical postures) and the philosophy.
30. Humor. I am grateful for a sense of humor.

So, I could be more specific with a lot of things, and I am definitely missing things. But there's a lot to be grateful for, all year round. Like, this octopus below.

LOL. I've been looking for an excuse to post him. He's so cute!!!

Happy Thanksgiving.

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