Monday, July 25, 2011

Lake Tahoe

Lover and I were invited to spend a weekend in Lake Tahoe with his sister's husband's family. I've never been, so I was all for it.

The plane ride was a serious debacle. We were set to depart at 5:29 pm, when the pilot announced that there was a "weight issue" with the plane and some passengers might get "deplaned." After an hour of them shifting cargo around (no one was deplaned), we were set to go. Out on the tarmac, the pilot announced that planes at La Guardia were grounded due to the weather. Oye. We spent another two hours on the tarmac, not moving.

We were catching a connecting flight to Reno at the Denver National Airport. So, we were a little concerned. However, the flight was making good time. Then, the pilot announced THAT WE WERE LOW ON FUEL and were going to REFUEL IN CHEYENNE. Really? Cheyenne? In the air, Cheyenne is 12 minutes from Denver. We don't have enough fuel to reach Denver???

We spent an hour on the tarmac of Cheyenne. Lover and I tried to put our heads into our Kindles (he got me one for my birthday!), and not think about the flight we were missing.

We arrived at Denver at 10:30 pm, Mountain time. The flight to Reno left at 10:31.

Needless to stay, we stayed at a hotel, and caught the next flight at 9:23 in the morning, finally arriving in Reno at around 11, Pacific time.

Lucky for us, we had a group of wonderful people to hang out with.We visited Tahoe City, rented Jet skis and had a blast out on the lake. We took in the views, drank strawberry daquiris at the hot tub, and played Apples to Apples late into the night. I had banana flavored frozen yogurt every day. I ran 3 miles on the Sunday morning in the mountain chill with Lover's sister, enjoying every step and drawing deep breaths of crisp, pine air. Columbine, poppies, sweet william, and lupine grew everywhere.

 We left Monday, and faced another plane debacle. This time we were laid over in Minneapolis, and the plane we arrived on was found to be "broken." They found another plane after an hour, and we continued our journey home. 

Despite all the stress and the long plane rides, the weekend was totally worth it!

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