Thursday, December 2, 2010

Merry December!

It is finally getting cold in Connecticut. Though we had some chilly days in November, there were plenty of bright, beautiful and nothing brumal.

In my old blog, I had started listing monthly goals and accomplishments, here, for all to see, for extra motivation on meeting the goals. I’ve been remiss in that, and have decided to correct it.
So, drum roll please…

Goals for December:

1.) Starting with health. I have been performing a weekly session of yoga. I am increasing my minimum of sessions to twice per week (at 30 minutes each), plus a minimum of one 30 minute session of dance. I have ceased running because I dislike the cold… But it’s not entirely out of the picture. My ultimate goal is to do cardiovascular exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes, but I am taking it step by step. The yoga relaxes my mind, makes my body feel young and limber, and helps protect against injuries in running or dancing.

2.) Again with health. I am looking to reduce my intake in calories, especially empty calories like fried foods, and sweets. But I have such HORRENDOUS chocolate cravings. I have cut out the extra mochas and hot chocolates by reducing my budget for them. Foods filled with proteins and plenty of fiber will help with hunger cravings (as will drinking plentiful water), but I don’t know what will help with the chocolate. Any ideas? Right now my goal is no more than one hot chocolate per day, and no more than one serving of chocolate dessert, be it in the form of candy or baked goods.

3.) Make and send out holiday cards. I always think of it too late every year. I am going to make it a priority.

4.) Consolidate the boxes in the basement – I am still unpacked! But I know I can reduce the amount of boxes and the amount of space being taken up, so I will work on doing that. Starting first with unearthing Lover’s workbench.  ;)

5.) Get the sewing machine out, working, and sew some things I’ve been wanting to sew.

6.) Work on the gift idea that Lover and I had for some peeps. It’s an awesome idea – we just have to get to doing it!

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