Friday, January 27, 2012

Mini-POLs, Work, and Documentaries

Today was a wonderful day. Wonderful. First thing was Mini Presentations of Learning with Public Allies. Us Second Years and the First Years give five minute presentations of lessons learned while in placement. I gave my presentation on the perspective I've gained in an administrative position and how it has affected me personally and professionally. Hans Holbein helped me out.

Check it out. This painting is called "The Ambassadors" and aside from the Lutheran propaganda, the strange, oblong object in the foreground can be seen clearly for what it is from a different angle - or another perspective. Lean forward and to the right of the screen and look at the object from your periphery. You may see that it's a skull. I asked everyone to line up and stand (I had it in a Powerpoint that was projected onto the wall), and take a gander for themselves. Most everyone saw it, but not everyone does. Meanwhile, I discussed perspective and what it means from a philosophical and psychological standpoint. I expounded on how perspective helped me to understand my staff, understand the setting, and make informed decisions without letting emotions come too far into play. Pretty sweet exercise, right?

After, I did some work stuff. Grants, oye!

Then, I mixed the ingredients for blackberry protein mini-cheesecakes, and put them into the oven. I settled into my couch with my kitty Quadrapus, and finished up Lover's scarf while watching Food, Inc., followed by a couple episodes of Discovery's Nature's Deadliest Creatures. The mini-cheesecakes are a tasty source of protein exploding with berry goodness, the knitting was relaxing (not to mention how great it feels to finish a project!), and the documentary was informative and moderately horrifying (nothing really new to me, as a practicing vegetarian for over 9 years) but keeps me hopeful for a changing tide. The Discovery show had an over-the-top narrator, but the biology behind some of the abilities of these deadly animals is fascinating. I LOVE learning, and I love nature, so sit me down for that stuff anytime.

 [blackberry protein mini-cheesecakes]

We ended the night spending it with good friends. Life has its sweetness.

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