Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Protein Pow(d)er

I love this new baking site I've come across - baking with protein powder! Banana Pumpkin Protein Muffins are warming up in the oven at this very second!

This morning I was working on my nonprofit's annual report in Photoshop, and my laptop suddenly ran out of space. I should have seen it coming. I had to spend time trying to save my work while closing programs and deleting files. I put my entire folder of photos (32 gigs) onto the MyBook and deleted them all off the laptop. Annual report saved. Whew.

All of work was running from one task tot he next - a meeting with my Public Allies program manager, writing and printing out an offer letter for a new employee, showing a volunteer the way, orienting a new employee and then putting together a new schedule with my staff. Then leaving an art activity for the students to do while I fly back to the office and finish up the report.

I did meet up at a great lunch place: Shandal's Vegetarian Cafe in Bridgeport. It's a Jamaican-vegan-hole-in-the-wall on the corner of Capitol and Main. The guy behind the counter, Shandal, is seriously cool, and the food is completely vegan. They only have a few tables, the reggae music blasts, and Shandal sings along with it while he cooks in the back. I ate the Barbecue Tofu, Vegetarian Chicken stew, Rasta Pasta, and some boiled veggies. De-friggin-licious.

Well, my banana pumpkin protein muffins are done! Pretty tasty - I added stevia and pumpkin pie spice to the recipe because I have to have the sweet'n'spice! I spread a little strawberry preserves on top - delicious, delicious! A wonderfully healthy and tasty night-time snack!

I made them with my homemade pumpkin puree. I also used the puree in my breakfast - oven toasted oatmeal with banana and cinnamon. Yum.

Okay, so now it's off to some creativity time before bed - writing or pen-n-inking, what's a girl to do?


  1. OH that's an amazing recipe, i love muffins and this protein muffin looks amazing, Thanks for posting your recipe, i will surely try making those...

    Property Facility Management

    1. If you like sweet and pumpkin pie spice, I definitely recommend adding it -otherwise they're a little bland. I put in 3 packets of stevia and a tsp of pumpkin pie spice - it was perfect! (For me, of course!)
