Thursday, February 7, 2013

Seed Order! Part 2

Continuing the craziness that is seed starting and ordering time, here's a few more packets I ordered. Seed Savers Exchange is one of my favorite seed suppliers. They are more than a supplier, they are a non-profit organization dedicated to saving and sharing heirloom seeds. Not only is vegetable diversity fun for farming, gardening, and cooking, but having different variants of the same vegetable helps to protect our food sources. Blight might affect all tomatoes, but some tomatoes are more blight resistant than others, and can continue to produce for the season.

This year's order:

Hyssop - I love bees and butterflies. I love purple, as I may have mentioned in this blog before. I love herbs! Hyssop has it all! I can't wait to put this out in the front yard. This year, I envision a front yard with some cottage garden favorites like hollyhocks and echinacea, but also plenty of fragrant herbs. And, the occasional ornamental pepper plant. Maybe some okra. Edible flowers. You know, all the pretty stuff. Anyway, as I learn more about this herb's botanical uses, it may come even more in handy.

Lime Basil - Two things Lover and I find scrumptious are basil and limes. So this was a no brainer. As my tiny lime tree is still growing and has yet to produce limes, I will see how this does in some salads, summer drinks, and stir-fries. 

Red Malabar Spinach - I can't wait to try this stuff. Technically, it isn't spinach. But the leaves are large and spinach-like, and IT DOESN'T BOLT IN THE SUMMER. It's beautiful, and I think, if we get our fence project done this spring, I can grow it over the arbor of the gate. Super thrilled.

Black Krim Tomato - Delicious beefsteak variety. It's my third favorite after Cherokee Purple and Brandywine. Why do I need so many beefsteak tomatoes? I don't. But I love variety...and canning!

That was it for Seed Savers this year. But I have received many other seeds from them in past years that have done really well. Be sure to check them out if you haven't already!

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